• 9440483326
  • icacc@vce.ac.in
  • Ibrahimbagh, Hyderabad

Guidelines to Authors

Paper submission process

Authors may follow the steps below for the submission of papers.

  • Use the below link to create an account and submit the full-length paper.
  • https://www.morressier.com/call-for-papers/65ca044d2d64637f0230f333
  • Create an account by choosing your username and password.
  • Check your email account for verification email from http://www.morressir.com.
  • Confirm your authentication by clicking on the link provided in the confirmation mail.

Manuscript Preparation

  • All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
  • Submitted papers must be full-length papers with complete explanations of the conceptual background, methods, data, and analysis. In addition, the full-length paper submission should state
    • The major issues addressed 
    • the potential significance of the work,
    • the theoretical and methodological approaches pursued,
    • significant findings, conclusions, implications, and
    • relevant scholarly references. Moreover, the relevance to the conference theme should be made clear.
    • It is essential to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form, ready for publication, and thoroughly proofread. For author guidelines, please visit 
  • https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/author-guidelines-for-conference-proceedings/
  • The authors are requested to limit the content of their manuscript to 10-12 pages. Additional pages will be charged INR 500/ USD 15 per page.
  • Authors should ensure that the similarity score of their research paper is not above 20%. Manuscripts having a similarity above the standard limit will not be processed further.
  • All the manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format (2 copies), With and without the author’s name and affiliations, using the Morressier online platform only. Authors should note that the manuscripts submitted through e-mail will not be considered for further processing. The paper submission link is as follows.
    Link: will be updated soon

Review process

  • All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to the IOP Conference Series:
    Earth and Environmental Science for their peer review and publication in the conference proceedings
  • All papers with less than 20% similarity scores shall be processed through double-blind review by the IOP conference series experts in the respective field.
  • Based on the reviewer’s recommendation, the convener will communicate to you one of the following decision letter/E-mail: –
    • Revision Required: Revise the manuscript as per comment and resubmit. A video tutorial for submitting the revised manuscript in AIJR Journals is available at this link.
    • Decline: Look at your manuscript and decline the reason. Spend time to improve your overall manuscript and resubmit it as a fresh one.
    • Accepted: It’s time to celebrate; the journal will copy-edit your manuscript for final publication.